Following myself all around the web

I was pretty excited to find out my Klout score. I find this social media tracking tool to be very useful, and I really have enjoyed exploring it over the last week.

I was pretty excited to find out my Klout score. I find this social media tracking tool to be very useful, and I really have enjoyed exploring it over the last week.

I don’t mean to sound vain or full of myself, but I am a person that tends to Google myself at least once a week. I am often curious as to what is showing up, if anything new is there and if what is showing up is anything to be concerned or even excited about. When I Google myself, the first thing, besides images, that show up are my Twitter and Facebook profiles. I think people, from clicking on my Twitter handle, would get a pretty professional vibe from my Twitter account. My Twitter is public, so I am often concerned about what I tweet and how public it’s all going to be. I think I could improve this by driving my Twitter account in a more professional direction, even though I think it is mostly that way anyways. My Facebook profile is private, so when people click on the link to my profile what they get to see is limited.

I found that metrics for my social media reflect pretty well my activity on social media as a whole. As much as I want to determine my overall social media by these metrics, I tend to still look at the big picture when it comes to determining the effectiveness of my brand. I think number of followers on Twitter and overall activity on Facebook can be more important. The same goes for connections on LinkedIn. I think that interacting is the key to all social media. Even if you have every form of social media account, you may not use each of them effectively. I compare the success of myself in social media to involvement in clubs or activities. If you are involved in many activities, but devote little time to each one, it could pan out badly for you overall, whereas if you commit yourself fully to one or two, you may be more successful and have a larger impact on those organizations. I feel the same way about Twitter and Facebook. If you are using them correctly and dedicating yourself fully to them instead of just using every form of social media out there, you could become really good at social media.

Even though I am not sure of how closely metrics really matter, I enjoyed finding my Klout score since it gives a pretty good indication of my social media success. I also think it will be cool to track this as I continue to learn about social media and improving my social media presence. I was also pretty surprised by the number, and am going to work to improve it by learning more about social media.

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